The Church is cared for by Team of Volunteer cleaners and flower arrangers. Who keep the Church looking beautiful. As are the Church Grounds thanks to our volunteer gardeners
At all our weekend services you are welcomed by someone who will hand you the books you need and collect hem as you leave. They are always looking for new helpers.
At our weekend services some of our members undertake to take the baskets round to receive your offerings. At peak times they also direct people to fill places available in church. They may ask for your help if they are short handed.
Offertory Counters are responsible for monies given at weekend services.
Music Groups:
our weekend celebration of the Eucharist and special services are enhanced thanks to the dedicated work put in by our musicians. If you would like to offer your talents please complete form at back of directory.
In the Church porch we have a stall that sells a good variety of religious books,cards and medals etc
Besides the times of Services our news lets us know who is sick and sadly who as lately died. It also tells us of any forth coming events within the Parish. If you would like to have something put in the newsletter please drop it in at the Vicarage or Presbytery before Thursday afternoon.
The members of the S.V.P. visit mainly the sick. elderly and housebound of the parish and help in anyway they can.
They meet each Monday at St. Basils Presbytery at 7.00 p.m.
Members offer their help and company to the elderly and housebound. Arrange an annual healing service. Both the S.V.P. and community care group work hard throughout the year to raise funds for the activities mentioned above so please be generous in your support.
For anyone who has experiences a bereavement both Father Kevin and Rev. Peter can put you In touch with our bereavement care team who can offer a listening ear and practical advice should you should need it.
The justice and peace group inform the parish of international and local Injustices. They also Involve the Parish in special appeals.
The aim of the Credit Union Is to help people In the community to join together to save and lend to each other In a Community Savings and loan Cooperative. Members can save and borrow at cheap interest rates. Members within the parish have seen the benefit of saving a little each week towards their bills or towards their holidays and especially when Christmas time comes around.
This group is open to any member of the Parish who would like to come along. The groups aim is to prepare the Liturgy for Weekend Services and other special occasions and also to prepare the bidding prayers. The group reflects on the readings to enchance our services.
The readers role is to aid the clergy in proclaiming the Word of the Lord to the laity.
Our children are welcome at all our respective services but Sunday morning belongs especially to them. Our children are Invited to assemble in the side chapel to celebrate their own Liturgy of the Word with the aid of their helpers.
Any one wanting to become an alter server should see a member of the clergy.
On average at present a reader can be expected to read at the weekend Masses twice in a two month rota. occasionally it could be three times. Reader 1 reads the chosen reading followed by the Psalm and the Gospel acclamation. Reader 2 reads the bidding prayers which are normally to be found on the lectern There are two readers meetings yearly at the beginning of Lent in preparation for Easter, and at the beginning of Advent in preparation for Christmas. Also at these meetings there is some input from Father Kevin as to deeper insight into the Scriptures.
It is an honour to read the Holy Scriptures at Mass so it behoves each reader to prepare before coming to Mass or to get to church early enough to study the reading. Arriving early is particularly important when rostered for the Bidding prayers as they are only available just before Mass. The Ministry of reading the Word of God seems to make people nervous, so we will always welcome any volunteers with open arms. I am always available for help with any problems.
Eucharistic Ministers assist the Clergy, Anglican and Roman Catholic, within our Services with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist. They also ensure that the sick and housebound of our Parish receive the Eucharist to strengthen and nourish them and let them know that they are still a very important part of our Parish. Catholic Eucharistic Ministers also hold Eucharistic Services on the days when a Priest is unavailable. Usually there are four meetings held over a 12 month period where Ministers and Priest come together for prayer and reflection, to share our experiences and to update our visiting lists.
The flowers are arranged usually on a Friday afternoon in preparation for the weekend Liturgy.They are placed at strategic points on the Altar, on either side of theTabernacle to highlight the Real Presence, near the Lectern where the word of God is proclaimed and beneath the main Altar where the Holy Eucharist is celebrated. Flowers are also put on Our Lady’s Shrine and in the porch to welcome the faithful. Special occasions, weddings, funerals, First Holy Communions, Confirmation, Easter, Pentecost and Christmas offer an opportunity for extra effort in floral art while Lent and Advent allow us to rest from our weekly duties, which we offer as a service to the Church.
I give you my hands to do your work.
I give you my feet to go your way.
I give you my eyes to see as you do.
I give you my tongue to speak your words.
I give you my mind that I may think like you.
I give you my heart that I may love all people.
I give you myself that you may grow in me.
So that it is you Jesus who lives and works and prays in me